Sizes in lightbox

Can someone tell me why the sizes shown in lightbox are in Mpix? I see no relation of this and the view in LB.
Can someone tell me why the sizes shown in lightbox are in Mpix? I see no relation of this and the view in LB.
A number of customers have told us they wanted to know what the sizes "Small", "Medium", "Large", "X2Large", "X3Large", etc meant and were looking for it in understandable terms, so we describe the various sizes in the most common term people understand for resolution: megapixels!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Dimension 600x400 ( H x W ) in pixels is something to relate to, not Mpix. They can always multiple them together and divide by 1M. While the rest of us have no idea of the photo ratio which is the real thing to know as it relates to print size.
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