Recent Images Gallery Display Block
Is there anyway to restrict the number of images displayed in a Gallery Block?
I want to add a Recent Images gallery, which will display thumbnails of the last 20 images uploaded. I can get the Recent Images displayed, but there seems no way to restrict the number of images. Is there a tweak we can make that limits the number ?
I assume you're using a multiple photos content block set to select from Recent Photos.
On the Display tab, select Number of photos Custom, then fill in the Photo Count.
Musings & ramblings at
Ah, got it now thanks. The Photo Count only becomes visible if the Pagination Style is set to Click. Not sure what this does or why you can only show a set number of images when Click is selected?
I found this on the help page
This doesn't seem to make sense in the context of a multiple photos block with recent photos selected. I would just leave it set to "click" so the customized number of photos is enabled (and ignore the doesn't make sense aspect of the setting).
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks Denise; sometimes things make no sense