Kalaupapa Peninsula - Moloka'i

Aloha Grinners! It's been a LOOOOONG time since I've posted, been mostly consumed with work projects. Although, that's cool too, because I love shooting work projects
So, today, I present a play project. This is a shot of the Kalaupapa Peninsula, located on the quiet island of Moloka'i, Hawai'i. The peninsula was once a quarantine area for those who contracted Hansen's Disease (leprosy), a terrible disease which had the potential to wipe out the entire Hawaiian nation. Although people were sent there to live out their years, they still carried on spectacular lives, contributing much to the world we know today. There were poets, writers, activists, missionaries, musicians, artists and more who carried this disease but continued to press onward in life.
The cliffs you see in the photo are the tallest sea cliffs in the world, towering just over 3,000ft at the highest point. The cliffs are a result of roughly half of the East Moloka'i Volcano breaking off approx. 1.5m years ago, the remains of which are now scattered upon the ocean floor below. This happens because the lava entering the ocean cools and hardens before it can reach the ocean floor. Eventually, a large shelf is formed, which breaks off. It's speculated that the big island (Hawai'i) is next, as it has been confirmed a huge shelf has been formed, and more lava pours out daily.
To create this image, I merged 39 telephoto images, using a Canon 7D mk II + EF 17-40mm f/4 L (@40mm for each shot), all hand-held. The final image is 96 megapixels and will print clear detail at 7ft x 3ft. (200 pixels per inch).
Mahalo for viewing and reading, hope you enjoy this post!
Wonderful JBR! So lucky that you get to live there! Cheers!
Mahalo, Taz!! I feel very fortunate every day, indeed. Here's another look at the peninsula from the flight over.
very nice !
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Mahalo, Jerry! I've been having a bit of fun learning this technique of super-merging (I'm sure there's a popular / proper name for it). I love how the depth of field is increased, along with the level of fine detail (because each image is 20mp and zoomed to a tiny square of the entire scene).
Now I'm experimenting with aerial merges like this. More to come soon!
Really nice capture. Such a beautiful rural paridise, and I hope it stays that way.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
That's an incredible image, very nice!
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Great work, JonaBeth. A nice display of your growing skills. I can only imagine the great tsunami that will occur when the big island cuts loose.
Stay safe,
Big mahalo everyone for the positivity! And yes, Tom, you're right...the projections currently show a wave of somewhere around the 600ft mark...WHAAAA?????