Edensor Village at Chatsworth House
in Landscapes
Part of the beautiful little village of Edensor on the Chatsworth House Estate. In the centre is St Peter's Church and, in the very far distance, just visible is the famous Hunting Tower.
I visited the location on five different occasions trying to get a shot of the house in the foreground with no parked car, both early morning and mid afternoon but failed every time. Still I really enjoyed my time at Chatsworth House.
A stunning scene. Wish the cars were not there to give it a better 'postcard' view. Still....very nice
Very nice scenic shot and grand old architecture. Good job, despite the car. Does Photoshop not have a car removal tool yet?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks for the kind words.
David, I think that could be one of Adobe's next projects, all you would need to is simply click on the object you don't like in the photo and PS would automatically remove it. Better still, it would also replace the object with the original background, this would be remembered from the cameras hidden eye.
Fabulous! What is the source of purple tinge?
Not sure where you mean Stumble, I only used my normal processing routine on this one. LR and PS.
It's an excellent composition and a lovely scene. The cars don't bother me.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Thanks Cornflake, really appreciated.
I can't explain in the photo how "sleepy" the village of Edensor really is. Edensor is only just over half a mile from the big tourist attraction that is Chatsworth House, with all it's visitors, cars and buses but it is so different.
John Cothron
Galleries: Smugmug|500px|Flickr
Love the image - the car doesn't bother me, either. Like Stumblebum I'm wondering about the pinkish cast to the picture. Have you had a chance to look at it on different monitors?
I see the pinkish tint too after I just re-calibrated my monitor. It's also on the iPad just not as strong.
Thanks for the help, I'll have a look at getting my screen calibrated.