Fire in the Sky on Lake Lanier

in Landscapes
I shoot Lanier a lot, and this sunset is probably one of my favorites from the area. I literally stalked it for 3 or 4 months before I got the skies you see here. I think I made 15-20 trips to this particular tree on Coney Island (water was low) before hitting the jackpot. Hope you enjoy!
You're right - you hit the jackpot! Your patience paid off. Sharpness, reflection and linear perspective are all spot on. Wonderful.
Book 2:
Persistence = success! You knew this image was there and you were right. Stunning!
Lauren Blackwell
Came out great!
I do have a crop and burn suggestion.....
Take 1/4 inch off from bottom or so...that will open up the bottom left creating more sense of space instead of that rectangle running all the way to the corner.
Second in the remaining rectangle, that would still be left in bottom left and is separate from main rock....I would burn it so it all appears as one rock......
doesn't let me delete repeat comment.....POS
I like it the way it is.....Well shot!
Wow! Great shot. The tree silhouette makes the pic.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Spectacular. Fine work.
Thank you! I"m pretty fortunate being that I had just switched to digital not too terribly long before this. At the time I had never heard of ETTR and wasn't real familiar with what happened when a digital body clips a channel. I used the ole tried and true exposure for film and it worked out for me this time.
John Cothron
Galleries: Smugmug|500px|Flickr
Thanks! I see where you are going with that, and actually played around with it to see how it hit me. After looking at it for a few minutes I still think I like the original better. Appreciate the thought though!
John Cothron
Galleries: Smugmug|500px|Flickr
Awesome capture, and way to be persistent. It's the difference between 'That camera takes great photos' and 'That photographer is effing amazing at their craft.' You're fitting into the latter, in my opinion.
Very dramatic. Looks like a highway to somewhere!
I'd like to think so, but every time I go back and look at my photography "later" I find all kinds of flaws. Despite thinking at the time that I finally had it down lol. Appreciate the comment!
Thank you! It was nearly titled Highway to Heaven
John Cothron
Galleries: Smugmug|500px|Flickr
LOL - Heaven was not quite the place I was going to suggest but that works!