Sekonic support is through the MAC Group e-mail,
I believe that Sekonic simply has not developed a Sekonic 478DR-U meter with a compatible transceiver for the Profoto wireless "Air System" protocol. (I would be very happy to be proven wrong.)
"... wireless flash triggering and power control in the L-478DR-U (for PocketWizard), L-478DR-U-EL (For Elinchrom Skyport) models and flash triggering and Channel/Group control for the L-478DR-U-PX (for Phottix Strato)."
ziggy note: ^^ None of these are protocol compatible with the Profoto wireless "Air System".
It would be best to get in touch with both Profoto and Sekonic directly and ask each of them your question to get a definitive answer.
Sekonic support is through the MAC Group e-mail,
I believe that Sekonic simply has not developed a Sekonic 478DR-U meter with a compatible transceiver for the Profoto wireless "Air System" protocol. (I would be very happy to be proven wrong.)
From this Sekonic web page:
"... wireless flash triggering and power control in the L-478DR-U (for PocketWizard), L-478DR-U-EL (For Elinchrom Skyport) models and flash triggering and Channel/Group control for the L-478DR-U-PX (for Phottix Strato)."
ziggy note: ^^ None of these are protocol compatible with the Profoto wireless "Air System".
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Set your sekonic to manual metering "Cordless Flash Mode". Should work ???? At least it works that way with my profoto d2 lights.
thanks ziggy lightmettr has the ability to CONTROL the flash exposure from the meter...thanks