can't upload photos

I've been having a problem since yesterday, with my smugmug site, not allowing me to upload pictures. I will place a photo onto the uploader (drag and drop method) and the status bar will move all the way across, showing that image is uploading, but when the status bar gets to the end, it turns red and it stops and I get a small error message that says, "invalid login".THis also happens if I use the other uploading method (browse computer for image). I will attach a screenshot of the error message that I am getting.
I am using a Mac computer, version 10.9 with Safari version 9.1.
My website address is:
The particular gallery I am currently trying to upload to is:
Please let me know what I need to do, if anything, to fix this. Thank you.
It looks like I just fixed the problem. I went in to safari settings and saw that "block third party cookies" was checked. I unchecked that box and now uploading appears to be working again. Is that how you would have recommended to fix it? It seems unsafe to not block 3rd party cookies. Your thoughts on this?
Also, I do have 1 other problem, concerning uploading. This problem has been occurring for the last 3 months. Most of the time when I do the drag and drop method of uploading, I get a strange moving square on my screen and the words: Reading Files. And then the images never upload and I have to go back to my gallery and try again, over and over. This never happened before and literally just started a few months ago. It doesn't happen every time I upload, but it does happen most of the time. If I use the other upload option (browse this computer), it does not happen. I don't like to use the browse computer option though, because it takes me longer as I can't see which images I have marked for uploading, like I can when I'm doing a drag and drop from Adobe Bridge. How can we fix this? I'll attach a screen shot.
Hi Melissa,
This is the first report I've seen about trouble reading the files during an upload. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with it. Do you have any more information about the problem that might help us investigate? You've said it's been going on for awhile-I'm guess that means you've seen the issue in different galleries? Or are there some that are more likely to exhibit problems? How long do you normally wait before closing the uploader when you see it reading files like that? Is it possible that it's not totally stalled, but loading incredibly slowly? (either way it sounds like a problem, we would just approach the solution differently)
SmugMug Product Manager
It has happened in multiple galleries, and it doesn't seem to happen in any particular gallery more than another one. The files that I am uploading are jpegs. I have noticed that sometimes if it is a smaller file, I won't get the Reading Files issue.... However, most the time I have that problem. I used to wait quite awhile before closing out the window and starting all over again, but now I just close it right away because it just takes too long. 1 time I left it open for 15 minutes and it never went through. And then there was one other time where I left it going and it began uploading 2 minutes later.... that has only happened once though and most of the time I just don't have time to wait that long. This problem does not happen at all if I choose the Browse Computer option on the uploading page. It literally only happens with drag and drop.
Any ideas on this yet?
I haven't been able to reproduce this issue yet on my end, so I'm asking our QA team to help investigate as well. They may reach out to you with more questions and I'll make sure to pass along any updates that we come up with. Thank you for your patience!
SmugMug Product Manager
Hi Melissa,
Unfortunately we haven't been able to reproduce the issue that you are describing on any of our own computers. We are all using newer versions of the Mac OS, which could be part of the problem, but it's hard to know for sure. I do have one more idea - if you try uploading using a different browser (Chrome or Firefox?), do you still see problems?
SmugMug Product Manager