Customizing Block for Share Buttons NOT Centering

This has been going on for a while but I've not had time to post about it. When I place a Share Button Block onto a page it defaults to align left. When I edit it to change it to align CENTER it fails. Please fix when you can. It's messing with my layouts. Thanks
Adding Hastags to the block is also not working.
This is a known issue that we have in the queue to fix but haven't had a chance to put an engineer on quite yet.
Temporarily you can set the Share URL to ‘custom’, delete the "http://" , set the hashtags and alignment, and then change Share URL back to ‘this page’. It will allow you to save.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
That worked. Thanks.