Change File Name (revisit)

I know that you can't change the file name from within Smugmug, will this change in the Near future?
Uploading from iPhone to SM, then having to download again just to change the file name is a lot of work you don't have to do, I do. I have seen a lot of requests for this over time.
Are there reasons you need to be able to change the filename?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Morning @leftquark
I fine your Answer a little condescending,
SEO optimization comes to mind, a file name relevant to the photo would be better then a file name e.g IMG_1234.
My apologies - I was not trying to be. As a small business we have to make tough choices on what we devote our engineering resources to and we go through a rigorous process of understanding the customer problems and identifying its impact. I wanted to understand the problem so we could assess where it falls on the priority queue for ya!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I don't understand.
This causes the plugin with Lightroom to fail when attempting to import photos where the file names have someone become deleted on the Smugmug side
Filenames can't be change on SmugMug so what do you mean by 'filenames have someone become deleted on the SmugMug side'? That should not happen.
You can rename images in the LR catalog, then mark them for republishing and then publish. The files will then have the new filename.
Please explain in detail so we can see where the problem may be.
SmugMug Support Hero
"filenames have someone become deleted on the SmugMug side" was an autocorrect fail, it should have read "filenames have someHOW become deleted on the SmugMug side". But I think you understood what I meant. You are right, it should never happen. Unfortunately it did. I suspect it was something from the ofoto > phanfare > smugmug transitions over the years (some of these pix are 10+ years old). I obviously can't rename images in the LR catalog if they won't import from SM.
So back to the original question/request - can filenames be added at the time of import from SM to LR? Or some other integration fix where the filenames aren't a required field on the LR side? Thanks
Filenames can be changed/added as Andy mentioned, from within Lr. This information advises how. Once the published files have been renamed then mark all of them to be republished and they will do so replacing the existing files on SmugMug with the newly named files.
If you have further concern perhaps we should look at the files in question. You can either share a link to the Gallery here, or write to the Support Heroes,, share the concern and they can look into this more thoroughly for you.
SmugMug Support Hero