Does Phanfare work after the migration?
Is your Phanfare site still active after and during the migration? Or are you locked out?
I want to send a "goodbye from Phanfare" album to my subsite mailing lists. Can I still do that after the migration?
Yep - you should be all set. For more information you can see the FAQ:
You will still be able to access your Phanfare account until May 28, 2017. By that date, you will need to have completed the transition to SmugMug or retrieved all your content from Phanfare. Once Phanfare’s service is disabled, it will no longer be possible to access your Phanfare account and retrieve any photo/video content.
It will still be active both during and after the migration. The only thing that changes is that as soon as you consent, you can no longer upload to your PF account. But you are never locked out for any reason.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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As of an hour ago I am now locked out and its refusing to accept my password to get into my phanfare library - I still have so much work to do with my side by side comparisons and rebuilding my albums
GRRRR So damn angry with Phanfare.
Grrr cannot get into my library or my actual albums now - all saying there is a password issue. Sent an email to Carbonite Support but I doubt an answer will be forthcoming.
So frustrating - I still have so much to do.
And now the phone ap is doing the same so I cant even sit and do my comparison work from it. Major GRRRR and a wasted day off work that I had hoped to spend doing this all day.
When I tried logging in to Phanfare I got an error, too. But then I tried again and it worked. And I don't expect that the first error could have been a password typo, as it was entered via a password manager. Hopefully it's not getting flaky on us.
Okay, major GRRR here also...even though I can get in to Phanfare, I keep getting errors and getting logged out.
Hi folks,
Thanks for letting us know about this. I just reached out to Phanfare directly, and it sounds like they're experiencing some temporary issues. They're investigating, and recommend you try again soon. I'll also try to get an ETA on resolution if it sounds like it will be longer than a brief period.
These temporary issues aside, I do want to reiterate that you will have full access to your Phanfare account (aside from uploading new photos) through the transition period, which ends on 5/28.
Phanfare is reporting that they believe the issues are resolved. Can you let us know if you're able to access your Phanfare account once again? If you're still having trouble, I'll let them know.
I can confirm it has let me log back in on desktop and phone just now (4.45pm Aus time) - that was about 28 hours all up that I could not access anything.