Phanfare Not Working
I'm starting a new thread. @KarinaExPhanfare mentioned on another thread that she can't log in to Phanfare. I can sometimes get in, but am getting a lot of errors.
I also tried initiating my Phanfare -> SmugMug transfer and that doesn't seem to work, either.
Still working for me, presently. My download via Phanfare Mirror is still sloooooowly proceeding. After almost 2 days, it's currently on album 503 of 2450...
We'll reach out to PF and see if there's anything going on, but as far as we know it's been working fine.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Phanfare is working again for me. I was able to initiate the transfer.
I sent a pretty angry (furious) email to Carbonite support and they assured me that while it was a "major technical issue" - they would get it up and running again asap.
Sounds like they're back up and running.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I can access my library but a thousand "blue and white squares" which is when they cant load an existing image. And I cannot log into my own site or any of my sub sites - still saying password issue.
I am really peed off with them.
For anybody who may still be experiencing issues accessing their Phanfare account or content, please continue to reach out to their support directly at I have just spoken to them, and they are not aware of any widespread issues. Getting the specific details of your individual situation to them will be the best way to get things ironed out. Thanks!
The replies I have been getting from Carbonite have said its a tech issue across the board - not just certain users.