Ugh - gallery image sequence spontaneously changed!

I have a gallery containing over 3,000 images which I have progressively build up over ten years (my daily blog, link below). The gallery sequence is set to "manual". Moments ago, after moving the location of one image (only one, I'm certain) in the organiser and clicking "done", my gallery is now in a completely unrecognisable sequence.
SmugMug has had a hiccup. If the gallery contained only a few images, the implications would be trivial. However, now I have chaos! How can I roll back to the previous (correct) sequence? What other options do I have?
I discovered what happened and have managed to reverse it. SmugMug had taken a block of 2,851 images beginning with the second and shifted them as a group to the back of the gallery.
Bizarre! But at least, when I worked out what happened, I was able to move the complete block back to where they should be.
Glad to know you were able to fix it. Could you let me know which gallery it was so we can dig into why it did that, and make sure it doesn't happen again?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Note: it might be a good idea before moving or copying photos look at the number selected at the very top in Organizer. I've had this problem in the past were multiple photos seem to get selected moving the mouse around.
My Website index | My Blog
Same thing has happened to one of my galleries with over 1400 photos. I was uploading to it last night and noticed the order was wrong so I left it to this morning to double check. I've spent the past few hours trying to remember the order they were in before. This is not good. This was not a block but the last few hundred photos were rearranged at random.
When the sort order got changed, were you seeing it out-of-order within the Organizer? Was it also out-of-order in the gallery after you exited the Organizer?
I was able to partially reproduce but the order was only wrong in the Organizer. In the gallery the order remained as I expected.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I noticed it in the Organizer so left without saving but it was too late and the Gallery order was also wrong.
Perhaps this is the problem: changes that you make in manual sort order are effective immediately--hitting the Save button doesn't matter. If you accidentally drop a selected group to a given slot, there is no undo function. I sort of like the way it works as I can tweak the order in the Organizer and see the result immediately by reloading the gallery page in a separate tab, which is especially convenient for collage view galleries. But I can see how it could create serious issues if you have selected many non-contiguous pics and accidentally drop them somewhere.
@leftquark : did you reload the gallery? What you describe is not what I'm seeing.
Websters initial post talked about only moving 1 image and having multiple images (that weren't selected/moved) appear out-of-order. I was able to partially reproduce in which the organizer showed those other photos out of order, but when I reloaded the gallery, everything was as I expected.
Current order is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
In the Organizer, I went to swap 2 and 3 and instead the Organizer showed: 4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2.
However, when I reloaded the gallery, it was: 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Hi Aaron
It's a while ago now, but I'm sure the actually gallery was out of sequence, otherwise I wouldn't have been concerned. But there's no way I would have inadvertently selected 2,851 images out of more than 3,200 and dragged them to the back of the gallery.
The gallery was at but I think you might have worked that out!
OMG - here we go again!
In Organiser view, the sequence of the gallery is correct. When I click Done', the displayed gallery sequence is all screwed up! WTF?
Now it's OK! Could the problem this time be a browser cache issue?