Sunset(s) at Parajo Dunes

Got to spend a little time down the coast these last few days and while I didn't get the extra free time that I was hoping for, I did manage to catch a couple sunsets.
Parajo Dunes sits about midway between Santa Cruz and Monterey. A very beautiful area that would offer landscape and wildlife photographers just a ton of opportunities to get amazing pics. Looks like a beautiful place for a vacation also.
We did see a couple of whales splashing about way off in the distance, but much too far for even my Bigma. No idea what kind they were.
The location that we stayed in was right on the beach and someone had begun building things out of driftwood. Sort of looked like a weird stonehenge in a way. Down the beach further was a fort built out of driftwood but I didn't manage to get down there to get pics of that.
Lovely shots Steve! Love the softness and use of DOF. For second one, the completely dark portion.....maybe just a hint of details would be nice....sweet images nonetheless. Cheers!
Mooie eerste.
Beautiful shots as always!
Doug and Cathy
That is why I love the forum so much. So many other photographers see things that I completely overlook or ignore simply because my brain is always thinking about work.
This is what makes me such a lousy "art" photographer. My brain immediately ignores the aspects that might make for an interesting print image and automatically thinks of the commercial potential.
During my time at the dunes, I took a whopping total of 3 non work related images. These two sunset shots and one shot of a collection of sand dollars that someone had placed on the deck of the rental home that we were staying at.
Upon my return I handed the images off to the editor with instructions that all of these non work images have "dead space" for the cropping or text that any potential client may wish to add for their campaign.
The thought that any detail should be left on the bottom of the image never crossed my mind at all.
As a matter of fact, since posting these shots the first image has been edited again to add more black to the bottom before my agent sends them off.
One of these days I hope to learn to see images as more than just a business.