Hidden in Plain Sight

in Landscapes
Along the Hana Hwy (aka 'Road to Hana'), you'll find many waterfalls, of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Because the road is narrow and winding, many are unknowingly missed by passers-by, including myself. I've seen this particular waterfall a number of times, but never stopped to really give it a look. This is image shows 2 of 5 waterfalls in one gulch, at one place next to the road. It's amazing what stopping and zooming into the scene will reveal.
Canon 7D mk II, EF-S 10-22 f/3.5
Shot in the rain, handheld.
Damn that's a good one JBR! You made out there! You ought to go there more often!
I am sure I saw it....but didn't get something good like this.
Do you happen to know its name?
Mahalo Taz! You most likely saw the entire set of 5 falls in this one spot.The name is Upper Hanawi (ha-nah-vee) falls @ mile marker 24. Here's a link to show a pull-back of the scene: https://www.hawaii-guide.com/maui/articles/road-to-hana-waterfalls
I'll be heading back to Hana in the next week or so for another video project. I'll be sure to seek out more falls, including some aerial views.
Thanks for Info JBR! Look forward to more!