How to discontinue custom domain in SM site?
I am retiring my photography business, but wish to keep my SM account for the personal galleries I have there. How do I revert from the custom domain back to the SM default? Is it as simple as deleting the custom domain entry under Account settings? Also, I don't remember my SM nickname - how can I find that for accessing my site after I remove the custom domain name?
You can find your smugmug name in Account Settings, Account tab, Site URL.
I believe your assumption of removing the custom domain entry is correct.
Musings & ramblings at
Denise is correct -- you can remove it from the entry field to delete the custom domain.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Disregard the below. I see now that I can access the site via the site URL as Denise stated. Senior moment, I guess.
When I go to Account Settings/Account tab, Site URL is set to my domain name (TakeOneSolutions). I think I remember that my original site before getting a custom domain name was just my But since that doesn't resolve now, I am hesitant to remove my custom domain name for fear I then won't be able to get into my site. What am I missing here?