Best strategy for revamping my SM site?
I have retired my photography business but will be keeping my SM account because of the personal photos I also have there. Currently, my personal photos are in a "virtual site" within my business site. I did this by creating a "Personal" folder under the root (i.e., and used some CSS to manage certain look/feel issues when in the personal site. I would now like to make the personal site directly accessible at the root address (i.e., at Is there a way to do this with perhaps a redirect, or some other way that doesn't require me to move a lot of folders/galleries?
As far as I know there isn't a redirect option.
It should be pretty quick to move folders and galleries in the Organizer since it supports drag & drop. I did this when new smug came out and I decided to archive a number of older folders / galleries.
If you want to keep your old business folders / galleries for your own reference, you might consider creating a top level folder that is set to either unlisted or private. Drag all of the content you want "behind the scenes" into this new folder. Then drag the content in your /Personal folder to the top level. If you had CSS specific to the personal folder and you want to use it at the top level you will need to remove the pieces of the CSS that refer to /Personal so it will take effect for the full site.
You might find the help page Organize your content useful. There is a video at the very end of the page showing how to move folders / galleries / photos within your site.
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks Denise. What I would most like to do is leave everything exactly like it is EXCEPT when a visitor comes to my personal site they would type rather than mysite. If there isn't a way to do that I'll follow your suggestion.
One more question, if I purchase a new custom domain from SM, can I point it at my personal folder site to achieve what I'm trying to do? IOW, typing would resolve to
No. You can point it at a domain or subdomain, not to a folder within a domain.
You could use, or
Musings & ramblings at
Denise, per your suggestion I moved the "personal" folders to the root and it is working properly with my original site template, so thanks for that. But I now that everything is working want to change to a new site template and have run into a problem. When I apply any of several stock SM site templates, I lose all the content blocks I had on placed on a folder in my original site. Any ideas why this is happening, and how to resolve it? If need be I can recreate the content blocks but I'm wondering why the original content blocks are being removed. The removed content blocks are "Folders, Galleries & Pages", text blocks and html blocks. Thanks again for your help.