Mini Challenge 247 - Windows Results
I can't figure out how to get photos that are not on my computer into the text. But here are the results.
I really liked this one because of the reflections make a puzzle out of the windows. But since you requested not to be considered – I didn’t
AceRph – This looks almost like an illustration for a book - the guy is sooo handsome
I loved Joyce's shop window – a category that I totally forgot about
HM to Tasmanian for the gorgeous glass dome picture
HM to David Gillespie for the most interesting porthole
3rd to Sapphire – this was exactly what I had in mind when I set up the mini
3rd tie- Jo West - this is the other side of the coin - a beautiful photo of a window from inside
2nd place Pieter – I can’t get over the smiling Buddha at the window
I had a hard time deciding between Pieter's Buddha and
1st – Sara – I love that you can see the texture of the old glass and it is a photo through a window of windows
Congrats Sarah and all the runner ups! Great job GrandmaR! I edited your post to show the pictures. Although a couple I had a hard time trying to get a smaller size to save space.
Thank you for fixing that for me. I tried putting the editing stuff around the photos URL but that didn't work. So I figured at least I could give the URLs.
@grandmaR Thank you so much for choosing me - I'm honored to have been picked from this bunch! Congrats also to Pieter, Jo and Gretchen and the rest of the HMs. It was a great challenge.
Please give me a day to think up something for the next challenge - work is rather hectic right now
Wow, my laughing Budha made second place. I'm very honoured. Thanks for a great challenge GrandmaR
Sara, congrats on winning, she picked the right shot for that, your windows through old windows is nicely seen and executed, looking forward to what you come up with for the next one.
Also congrats to Jo, Gretchen and the other HMs. They were all nice shots of this theme!
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Thank you, Pieter!
Congratulations, Sara, on your lovely shot! Thank you for the third place nod, GrandmaR. It was fun to see the variety of windows here.
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