Honey oatmeal bread

Today we are hard at work at one our favorite bakeries. The smell of all the fresh bread is making it difficult to work.
Today we are hard at work at one our favorite bakeries. The smell of all the fresh bread is making it difficult to work.
Hi Steve,
I've been following your series of food shots. I have no expertise in that arena whatsoever but I certainly appreciate the efforts of those who do. Very little of this shot appears to be in sharp focus. I understand that the background was most likely out of focus by design. I would think the client would want the featured item to be very sharp. Since I'm out of my element in this type of work, I may be totally wrong about that. If so, please correct me. I have enjoyed your posts and have picked up some good info I can incorporate into my own work.
The direct line focus (at an angle) was actually intended. I'm trying to recreate the tilt shift effect without having a tilt shift lens. No it's not as good as I had hoped, but it is a learning experience.
This is not a "client" photo. I never, ever share client images publicly. 99.99% of the time our studio shoots "for hire", so legally the images are not ours to use, they belong to the client from the moment we press the shutter.
During our shoots (at least when time allows) I grab my Nikon and grab some more artful shots or portfolio shots or shots just to share on the forum. Very, very rarely are they even close to what the client gets. I try to avoid any possible conflict before it happens. If on the rare occasion that I like a particular set up, I'll clear it with the client ahead of time before I take the personal/studio shot.
All I need is a stick of butter and we are all set!