share to facebook not working

paullantzpaullantz Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins

Noticed that share to facebook not working all of the time. Generally does not put an image on facebook, just a link that is good but shows up as just website name.
Is this a facebook problem or something that can be addressed on smugmug?
There was an early noted bug where sometimes the last picture I shared to facebook would show up but that could usually be avoided by leaving and sharing the new picture again. Now, seems impossible to share pictures from smugmug on facebook.
Any thoughts, thanks.


  • tomnovytomnovy Registered Users, Administrators Posts: 1,103 SmugMug Employee

    Hey Paul,

    I have just tested this by sharing one of my images on Facebook. Everything worked fine - with a preview of my image - please see my screenshot:

    Could you please post a link to the image, page or gallery that you are trying to share on Facebook?

    SmugMug Support Hero | Customizer | My SmugMug site - | Customization Portal -
  • paullantzpaullantz Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins

    I tried it again this morning. First image posted without problems, just a bit slow. Next image all that got posted was website name, no image.
    Here is link to image I was trying to share (second one)

  • paullantzpaullantz Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins

    I reloaded Chrome and managed to post three images without problems. On the fourth image it didn't show the pictures itself.

  • tomnovytomnovy Registered Users, Administrators Posts: 1,103 SmugMug Employee

    Hey Paul,

    I had to use Facebook Debugger to solve this issue:

    Please try to share the link again.

    SmugMug Support Hero | Customizer | My SmugMug site - | Customization Portal -
  • paullantzpaullantz Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins

    thanks for the link, the behaviour is there on and off; I used the debugger, it took three passes but it eventually made the link work properly, will keep it around.

  • paullantzpaullantz Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins

    this problem continues; in the past it was sporadic but now it seems that most of the time I need to use the facebook debugger on a picture before it will post

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