General Website Feedback

FriendlyCowFriendlyCow Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins

I am essentially new to Digital Grin, and need some general feedback on my website - I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this.

I also need a specific fix - how to make the email address on my home page into a hyperlink to my contact page.


  • Cygnus StudiosCygnus Studios Registered Users Posts: 2,294 Major grins

    For the link part, you can add a "text" box to the page and put the email there and turn it into a link. Nice and easy.

    For the website as a whole, it is clean and simple which is nice. I would turn the dark grey on the left of the site, black. I would also arrange the menu a bit.

    Bar Mitzvahs

    That is kind of the order of way that most people think. Just my opinion.

    I would either move the facebook link to the top or at least higher on the home page. It is below the fold and makes viewers scroll down just for that.

    In your portrait/bar mitzvah sections you allow downloads, which defeats the purpose of trying to sell images.


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited June 20, 2017

    You should never allow access to the Original-sized images. Set the maximum display size to anything smaller than Original. If someone purchases a print the Original will be used; allowing access to the Originals essentially sets them up to be stolen.

    You might want to rethink the gallery style you have chosen to use. I know that many like the consistency of square thumbnails but they often cut off essential parts of the photo. Showing a portrait with a head cut off is not something I like to see.

    On your videography page the text overlaps your logo if the browser is not full screen. While I have a large monitor I very rarely have my browser windows maximized. Take a look at your site using different sized browser windows.

    While your homepage does provide some information I was a bit surprised that you don't include a page on your site that describes the work that you do and perhaps shows locations where you are available.

  • colourboxcolourbox Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins

    Square thumbnails for portraits is not necessarily a deal breaker...on Smugmug. There's supposed to be a new Smugmug feature that auto-crops thumbnails so that the head is not cut off. I haven't looked into it closely, but Smugmug announced it in their release notes:

    Don’t lose your head! Automagical Cropping takes your photos from awkward to awesome.

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