Abrupt Interuption II
Just a few more of the massive rock/waterfall array I saw in Vermont. I shot some of the main waterfall activity but the hoards of people precluded me from getting images that I liked. I shuffled around the area a bit and got images like these.
To give you some sense of scale, that flat-sided rock on the right that's just above the middle line point is 6 or 7 feet tall.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Love the first 2 comps very much Tom! Especially #2 has so much for eye to investigate!
These are nice but where did the interruption go?
Thanks, Taz. I tried working my way through that massive jumble of rocks in #2. I wisely gave up before I killed myself.
I knew somebody would make that inquiry....I just didn't know who.
I like no 2 : the diagonal log leads the eye well, Tom.
Thanks, buddy. I appreciate you looking in.