Very nice! I l always find train to have some historical aspect that I like and they also conjure up lovely emotions and romanticism....
For the left edge...maybe 5 mm crop to lose the white sneaking in......and top right might be worth cleaning up too...
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
@Richard said:
Well seen and captured. The conversion is very good.
I agree with Richard. Well executed.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thank you all for the comments. I've been using Silver Efex for a while, but now it is my go-to software for anything Black and White. I'm sorry to hear Google will not support it anymore, is anyone taking it over?
Taz, you must have eyes with scissors in them...! Well seen, I agree I cropped the left hand side a tad and darkened the top right and I like how it looks.
Nice ... I like silver Efex
Google announced they will stop supporting it.. too bad
I think that this is done nicely. Well framed and well converted.
Well seen and captured. The conversion is very good.
Very nice! I l always find train to have some historical aspect that I like and they also conjure up lovely emotions and romanticism....
For the left edge...maybe 5 mm crop to lose the white sneaking in......and top right might be worth cleaning up too...
I agree with Richard. Well executed.
Good precessing and a very nice period feel, Cristóbal
Thank you all for the comments. I've been using Silver Efex for a while, but now it is my go-to software for anything Black and White. I'm sorry to hear Google will not support it anymore, is anyone taking it over?
Taz, you must have eyes with scissors in them...! Well seen, I agree I cropped the left hand side a tad and darkened the top right and I like how it looks.
Love it! Cheers! I have to find out what Silver Efex is....never used it, but this one has fine punch!
Taz, Silver Efex is part of a suite of software. It can be downloaded for free at
I haven't used the other programs much, so I can't offer an opinion, but Silver Efex is pretty good.