Extreme Baseball

In the just-over Spring Babe Ruth baseball season I took a gazillion photographs of my two grandsons. One a
first baseman and the other a catcher, but on two different teams. Traditional sports action photos...ball coming
off the bat, the mighty swing, ball almost in the mitt, the slide, the tag. Standard post-processing of crop only.
With the season over, though, it's time for some silliness and extreme post-processing:
Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
Like them! Very cool!
I like the processing too. Tell me, did you use Topaz?
Photos: jowest.smugmug.com
Book1: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LUBMI1C
Book 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079V3RX6K
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jo.west.16
Cavalier...No, I don't own Topaz. Normal LR processing, brought into Photoshop, tweaked some more,
converted to black and white in NIK Silver Efex Pro, ran it through NIK's Color Efex "Detail Extractor" for
extreme detail, and then added PS's Poster Edges filter.
The photo of the grandson playing first base had some distracting background in the upper part
of the image, so that was taken out using PS Layer Mask over a grey-filled layer. Left the background in
on my grandson-the-catcher, but dodged some parts so they'd blend in.
I have to admit that I'm sloppy at this type of thing because I don't label layers so I know what I've
done when I look back them. I just keep playing around for an effect that I want at the end.
Here's the color shot of the first base play. In the black and white, I tried to isolate just key parts.
Love the processing, Tony