Poor video quality at start

The first 5-6 seconds of my SmugMug videos look like crap!
Personally, if I clicked on a video play button, and saw the pixelated mess SmugMug is serving up, I would close the window ASAP and go look at something else. I am too embarrassed to ask friends and relatives to look my videos on SmugMug due to the poor quality they are going to see up front.
Amateur videos posted on Flikr, YouTube, etc. do not have this problem; what do they know that SmugMug does not?
Please fix this.
Back in the day, say 2017 when I pressed this with support they.
1. denied they could see the problem (absolute BS)
2. after insisting the issue smugmug eventually responded like; "well were primarily a photo sharing and storage service we suggest going elsewhere for video"