Starlight Selfie

Even though these flashlight milky way shots are becoming almost cliche these days, I figured I'd try one. Taken a couple of weeks ago in the Serengeti of all places. A hit or a miss?
Even though these flashlight milky way shots are becoming almost cliche these days, I figured I'd try one. Taken a couple of weeks ago in the Serengeti of all places. A hit or a miss?
Well, cliché or not, I like it. However, in the Serengeti, I would be more concerned about those 9 ft. tall warriors that carry 30 ft. spears.
Thanks, Tom. Truth be told, it's a little scary out there at night!
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Bro you got you, and flash, and starburst near the source great! I also like some stars that came out as glowing orbs.
The Red LED is something I can't seem to like.....I tried.....
If you are still roaming plains of Africa, I would suggest get some long exposures of fg at f-7.1 or so, with low ISO......and shoot sky separately.......and try and incorporate features in fg that say "Africa" or "Serengheti", without having to say where it was taken.
Ha, I forgot to turn my red headlamp off. Oh well, I actually like it. I should have done more night photography in Tanzania, but we were usually dead tired at the end of each day from driving on tough trails and moving our camp most days. We're in Rwanda for a week, so maybe I'll get a chance to do some here.
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Cool! What wonderful places. Can't wait to hear the tales and see the whole set!
I think Rwanda has Silverback Gorillas.....but it requires whole lot of trekking...from what I have seen on TV...
There are actually two levels of treks they will take you on to see Gorilla families. They warn you to be prepared for bugs, mud, rain and stinging nettles. We will of course be opting for the longer trek.
There are only a small number of government-issued permits given for each day and they're pretty expensive. In fact the price doubled right after we purchased our permits on-line back in April. They are now $1500, and you get to watch the gorillas for exactly one hour.
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Holy cow! That is pricey!