Digital Downloads
Hi Everyone!
I know SmugMug offers a Digital Download Purchase however, in my line of work I don't always upload edited images so when someone purchases one of these so called digital downloads it sends the unedited version. I know you get an email saying they purchased it but I feel that it should send the purchaser saying you will receive your digital download from the owner of the site and then send the owner of the site an email for them to fulfill the order and send a edited digital version. I know other websites such as ShootProof offers this, not sure why SmugMug does not? It would be so much easier and more helpful.
I know SmugMug offers a Digital Download Purchase however, in my line of work I don't always upload edited images so when someone purchases one of these so called digital downloads it sends the unedited version. I know you get an email saying they purchased it but I feel that it should send the purchaser saying you will receive your digital download from the owner of the site and then send the owner of the site an email for them to fulfill the order and send a edited digital version. I know other websites such as ShootProof offers this, not sure why SmugMug does not? It would be so much easier and more helpful.
Adding Proof Delay for Digital Downloads is something we'd love to add one day. Initially we hesitated because most customers expect that Digital Downloads be delivered, right away. We felt this left a bad experience for your clients but there's ways to make this OK and we can explore those when we are able to work on adding this feature. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Andy, there's another reason pros want this: Event Photographers typically shoot thousands of photos per event, but only sell dozens (if that). They're on shoe-string budgets to begin with, and don't have the Internet bandwidth to upload thousands of full-resolution photos. So what they want is to upload watermarked low-resolution proofs, and then be notified when someone wants to download the full-res image associated with that proof.
(A pro friend mentions this literally every time I bump into him at events.)
NvM, I see 91 folks who wrote about this on the Feedback page said it much better than I could.