" Rhodie " heaven
When the rhododendron are out, the mountains sing. Roan Mountain, in Tennessee, is known for its extraordinary showing of these plants when they are in full bloom. I don't know of a single location that rivals the show on Roan. The prime viewing season generally occurs in early June and may last for only a week or two.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Roan mountain is certainly the most popular and makes a darn good argument for being the best place for the rhododendron bloom, but Stone Mountain park in N.C. gives it a good run for the money. Maybe it is the other features at Stone Mountain that make it stand out for me a little more, but you definitely cannot go wrong with either location.
From your recently pictures it looks like you are making quite the road trip.
Rhodies... a favorite of mine
Nice captures Tom
I agree with you, Steve. The Stone Mountain show is also impressive. My wife and I spend a couple of months each year up in the Appalachians.....one in the Summer and the other in the Fall. For 30+ years we had a mountain home in Boone, NC. For full-time living in that region, which we plan on, we're focused mainly in the northeast Tennessee area. Living costs there, including taxes, are substantially lower than in NC. The southwest part of Virginia is another area we see a lot of. As John Muir famously said, " The mountains are calling and I must go ".
Thanks, Rags. This year's display on Roan was really strong. Throughout the region, the Mountain Laurel blooms were also exceptional.
Wonderful captures Tom! Love #2 most! Who knew June is spring for some!
Thanks, Taz. Flopping between Florida and the mountains, as I'm prone to do, screws my perception of seasons all to pieces.
A nice set, Tom. I lake nos. 2 and 5 best.
Guapo plant