Publish to FaceBook didn't Publish Video selected in Gallery

With Publish to FaceBook, I'm not sure if this is a known issue or if it was a fluke, or what. In the Organizer, I selected photos & one video from a gallery & hit "Publish to FaceBook". It all went pretty smoothly, at least now that I know the most recent limitations of that feature (on FaceBook's end). But the video showed up on FB as a photo instead of a video. Does anyone know if that's always the case,? And if so, is it possible to get a video to show up through the "Publish" feature by only selecting a video?
Incidentally, here's a couple tips for those frustrated by the FB constraints on our"Publish" ability: I copy the URL of my gallery here on SmugMug 1st, & put it in the description field for the gallery during the Publish" preparation dialogue, & add a note directing people here to see more photos, download, get prints, etc. I also paste that into the caption field of some of the photos, either later or beforehand. Reasons for this are: FB no longer has a direct link to my SmugMug gallery once the photos are published .And once the gallery is published, there's no "edit" button on the FB post itself... very frustrating. So you have to think of everything you want seen & put it in the initial publish/post. (or else you're relegated to adding stuff to captions or comments.)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Yikes. Can someone tell me why I'm getting this weird mix of colors in my posts sometimes? I have no idea how it''s happening, & I can't find any "edit" button after it's posted. All I did was type my post and then hit "post comment". I didn't hit the Preview button 1st. I know this is a question for the Forum thread, but it's easier to explain here as you can see the post I just did (about Publish to FaceBook). OK, let's see how this post looks...
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
You've got some weird formatting in your posts (there were a number of spaces and things), which the
assumed was some kind of formatting, so it converted it to something like aCODE
block, which changes colors for certain words that might be code.The edit button is in the top right of the post ... to the right of the title of the post "Publish to Facebook ....". There's a star, a gear, and a checkbox. Click the gear and choose "Edit".
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Ok, I don't know what causes the "weird formatting"-- afaik, all I did was write 2 paragraphs separated by a space. This has happened to me someitmes & not others. Sometimes I indent the paragraphs 5 spaces, which shouldn't be seen as abnormal, but Idk... Yes, I see the star & the gear, but no checkbox. Idk why I don't have a checkbox. As far as that star & gear, the problem is that if you've scrolled down to read your post, the title is too far above, & you don't see those icons. should be within each post's text -box as they are on posts that have no title. In this new design, titles are so huge & far-removed from posts... it's a bit odd, actually. There's also no hover-message on the gear, so to me that would mean "Settings", not "Edit".
Anyway, what about my original question? Should videos show up in "Publish to FaceBook"? If not, there's nothing to tell you they won't publish, & it would be helpful if there were a note or if the Organizer didn't allow selection of videos for Publish. It's a pretty odd if videos show up as a photo instead on FB.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
It looks like it only publishes the preview image and not the video. I'm checking with engineering if that's intended. It looked like when we first built the feature, Facebook didn't allow us to post videos -- but times change and software progresses. As of now, assume it only posts photos and we'll take it as a feature request to add video support.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Any news on this? (whether videos should post to FB, or if not, whether a preview image is supposed to post instead?) Either way, please ask that the Organizer gives some kind of notice about video posting. The current situation, where it lets you post them but only a preview shows up, should be treated as a bug and fixed somehow.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)