Let Me In Box

Hi there, can someone help me. I want to change the 'Green' background colour of the Let Me In box to a darkish gray.
Is there a CSS code I can use?
Many thanks for your help.
Is there a CSS code I can use?
Many thanks for your help.
Hi Peter,
Could you include a link to the specific page you'd like to make changes to so that the customization helpers could take a closer look.
SmugMug Support Hero
Many thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I have included a link below to a typical page.
You will see that the background to 'LET ME IN' is green all I want to do is to change this to say, a dark gray. Is there a CSS code I can enter?
Any assistance will be appreciated.
Try this
My Website index | My Blog
You might want to change that to:
As it is right now there is a thin border of green around that button.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com