Using LR plugin, need to change folder hierarchy on SmugMug
Hi. I currently use Lightroom to publish to SmugMug using the SmugMug plugin. I do all of my folder and gallery creation on LR primarily with Smart Collections. My website is primarily personal work but I've also done some head shot type photography. The business side is growing a bit and I'd like to really separate the site into 2 pieces which I would like to do by changing my folder hierarchy (I have a business and personal domain) rather than using passwords to protect clients. My end goal is to have my business domain use one branch and my personal domain use the 2nd branch.
So, how best to take what exists and simply reorganize it? Do I just move the folders and galleries around in the Lightroom Collection section? My understanding is that "sync" in SmugMug terms means "sync what's on SmugMug down to LR" not the other way around.
I don't know the answer to your LR question, but (unless something has changed recently) you should be aware that a single SmugMug site uses only one domain. If you plan to use two domains you will need two SmugMug sites.
Musings & ramblings at
Right now, if I type in my business domain, it goes to my root smugmug site. If I type in my family domain, it goes to a folder down the hierarchy. The sites are "joined" in that way but I assume I can just use the pages/folders/galleries to guide people where I want them.
I assume that your family domain is forwarded to your site. After you get to the site, which URL is shown in the address bar?
You can organize your site to show both aspects, business and family.
Musings & ramblings at
My business URL, which is fine with me because I won't have any menu on my business pages that goes to the family section of the website so clients won't see it. I don't care if my family sees my business items. It's a very tiny business. :-)
Re: organizing your content, you can do that all from within LR by creating galleries or folders, and moving content into the appropriate folders. You could, for example, move all the personal work into a Personal or Family folder, and have the Business content at the top-level, or in a Headshots folder, for example. Any changes you make to the folder/gallery hierarchy in the plugin should be reflected on your SmugMug site automatically. You could also make any changes you want via the Organizer tool, and then use the Sync Galleries and Folders option in the plugin settings to make sure you see the current hierarchy in the LR plugin.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks. I'll give it a try on 1 or 2 folders and see what happens. I couldn't find anything in the SmugMug help pages about organizing via Lightroom after the initial setup.
I'd suggest not trying to use the LR plugin for re-organizing your photo. As the name points out, the LR Publish Plugin is mostly for uploading and updating photos but the abilities that Adobe lets us have within the plugin itself aren't as extensive as the things we can do in SmugMug. The Organizer will be your best friend there.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Moving things around in LR to have the hierarchy I want and it's going well. Everything's reflected on the SmugMug side.
Thanks, everyone.