Going Thru Some Old Files

I first got my dslr to shoot motion... These are some efforts...
Sonoma CA Raceway motocross...
Stadium moto... Auburn CA
Caught in the saddle...
Step on it...
Motorcycles fly?
Get outta here...
Beat cha'
Don't do this anymore.. It sure was enjoyable
A couple more...
Daytona Super Cross
Nice set, Rags.
I like 3,4,5 and 12 for the motion.
Thanks... were fun shots
Am I right in thinking you used a mirror lens for many of these? If so I've got to improve my focusing!
Yeah, Rags, it's good to see some of your " vintage " stuff. Excellent work all around. Like you, I've had to make concessions on doing some things that I once really savored. That's life.
Thanks for the comments guys
Petro.. I don't even know what a mirror lens is......
Tom as you know, we all go thru phases in life and I hope all will enjoy each of them... I'm trying to...
That suggests I'm wrong then!
Mirror lenses (the correct technical term is Catadioptic lenses) use 2 curved mirrors in addition to normal lenses to fit long focal lengths into a much smaller & lighter package.
They are usually manual focus & with a fixed aperture (there are exceptions to both of these).
One of the characteristics of their images is donut bokeh, and a couple of these shots (1st, 7th & perhaps 9th) seemed to have a subtle example of this in the background foliage.
Thanks Petro, I've learned something here...
Cool findings Rags!