Popular Photos gallery

In my Popular photos gallery starting at 861 / 1000 every photo I upload is being added.
Is this the best Smug can do is add all my new uploaded photos to the popular gallery?
This includes, if I'm logged in, I see photos from my passworded galleries.
Perhaps one day, holding breath, Popular Photos gallery will be fixed.
When that happens, holding breath, I hope all the currently being added are not there.
Edit: Created a smart gallery setting it to "popular" and I only get 865 photos. None of the newly added uploaded photos? Things are getting really weird! (At least comments on photos do show)
Hello Allen,
When viewing the "popular" photos the logged in vs logged out view of those images will be different. Logged out you will not see password/unlisted or private Galleries. There is an algorithm that is used to create the popular photos. It includes things like comments, social media likes and likely stats. We don't know the specifics, but a mix of all these things leads to the popular photos view.
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