Stormy Day in Bean Town

Boston got its share of the violent rain/high wind weather today. Here are a few shots I took around 4 this afternoon during a lull in the rain.
Exeter Street was flooded where it crosses Commonwealth Avenue.

The water begged for reflection shots. Here is a straight forward one that I rather like, especially since you can see some interesting sky detail. (The sun was trying to come out. It made a very brief appearance and gave up for the day.)

And here is one I love - but then I love the artsy, abstract stuff.

Virginia (drying off in Boston)
Exeter Street was flooded where it crosses Commonwealth Avenue.

The water begged for reflection shots. Here is a straight forward one that I rather like, especially since you can see some interesting sky detail. (The sun was trying to come out. It made a very brief appearance and gave up for the day.)

And here is one I love - but then I love the artsy, abstract stuff.

Virginia (drying off in Boston)
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
BTW, haven't you had a lot of rain lately out your way? For a lot of the West Coast, our day of wind and rain must seem like nothing at all.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I'm at work and just got caught looking at #2 upside down! how embarassing. I really like #2 - both right side up and upside down! the buildings and lantern add great interest to it.
I don't have any 'bad weather' shots - I just dread being out in it so much!
This summer's wilderness photography project:
ginger (It is sunny here, but still cool. I am envious of the rains and snows and wind.................since it is cool and all here anyway. Might as well have drama. I like yours!)
I like the reflections also
Hang in there, Bubba. It will come. It will come.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Ginger, I know what you mean about drama but yesterday was a bit much if you were outside in it. At least its better than the February doldrums when it is just gray, gray, gray for days on end. (Except in the February Blizzard of 1978 when the area received over over 27 feet of snow on top of over 20 inches in January and the city was shut down for a week. - Now that provided drama and great photo ops too.
Tessa. Don't feel bad about looking at #2 upside down. I love to look at reflection pictures that way. In fact, #3 is actually shown upside down because I like the effect better with it flipped. That's the fun of reflection shots!
Stay warm everyone.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
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Erich. I was particularly drawn to the ripple effect myself - which is a good thing since cars kept driving through my pond causing little waves.
Oh, and a "minor" correction. My husband pointed out that my post to Bubba reports that Boston got 27 feet of snow in the blizzard of February 1978. It felt like that, but really it was 27 inches on top of the existing accumulation of a couple of earlier snow storms. I think.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus