youtube editing
I want to edit a video I have on youtube .Problem is when I open up the video manager the video is nowhere to be seen. P
lease help
I want to edit a video I have on youtube .Problem is when I open up the video manager the video is nowhere to be seen. P
lease help
I'm confused. If the video is on youtube wouldn't you need to edit it there?
I just took a look at your galleries at You appear to have 3 video folders. The folders named "video" and "video2" show as empty, while the folder named "waterfall videos" shows videos. The empty folders could show as empty to a viewer if the videos in that folder are not set to public.
Musings & ramblings at
The video I want to edit is on youtube, not on my smugmug site.I intend to upload it to my smugmug site after editing. thanks. I deleted the "video and "video 2" galleries
Have you tried looking on the YouTube forums or contacting their support?
Musings & ramblings at
I tried the youtube phone support,they don't offer any.I tried the forum and they couldn't answer my specific question... would it be better if I got my own video editing software?
Probably not. It's my understanding that editing videos is more complex that editing photos.
You might want to look at ziggy53's suggestions in your earlier thread at He did suggest a product you could try in addition to recommending that you take a basic editing course.
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