Missing "parentnode" for pages

I have been trying to target an HTML widget under the map on a bunch of pages in a folder with CSS but the "parentnode" for the parent folder is missing.
Can this be corrected? Thanks
Top folder for a bunch of pages http://www.photosbyat.com/Birds/Bird-Gallery-Maps
class="sm-user-professional sm-user-loggedin sm-user-owner sm-page
sm-page-node-N9PbsG << this folder
sm-page-parentnode-zsB4B << top Birds folder
sm-page-parentnode-Qm7v4 << homepage
All of the child pages are missing sm-page-parentnode-N9PbsG
Link with specific CSS for this one page showing what I'm trying to accomplish. See widget under map.
I'm basically trying to add a bottom border and move widget up.
link below is trying to target all pages but can not without "parentnode".
class="sm-user-professional sm-user-loggedin sm-user-owner sm-page
sm-page-node-r5hzMX << this page
>> missing parent folder "sm-page-parentnode-N9PbsG" <<
sm-page-parentnode-zsB4B << top Birds folder
sm-page-parentnode-Qm7v4 << homepage
EDIT: I removed the "unlisted" for all these pages and now it seems "sm-page-parentnode-N9PbsG" shows on children.
I still think they should be able to be targeted even when "unlisted". I have not checked passworded folders/children to see if parentnode is missing.
Hey Allen,
I will report this to our QA team. I will update you as soon as I have some information from them
Please standby,
Thanks, I've worked around this by making it all "public" but it was not my intent to make them browsable.
Probably makes no difference though.
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