Still trying to find a way to recreate subsites - breadcrumbs ?

KarinaExPhanfareKarinaExPhanfare Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins

Just reading this exchange on one of the other forums here about changes to the bread crumbs

@leftquark said:

@Cygnus Studios said:
Anyway to get rid of the little house icon now?

Used to be;

/* breadcrumb */
.sm-breadcrumbs .sm-fonticon-Home

I tried making it plural but that didn't do it.

You can get rid of the home icon by itself using

/* Get rid of the home icon */
.sm-breadcrumbs .sm-icon-Home {
    display: none;

However, the carrot (">") will still remain. To get rid of both:

/* Get rid of the home icon and the first carrot */
.sm-breadcrumbs .sm-breadcrumb-item:nth-of-type(1) {
    display: none;

Left Quark - would getting rid of the home icon mean that the first link in the breadcrumb is the folder or gallery that I want it to be - and a viewer would not be able to casually end up back at my main home page ? So I could create a subsite effectively that way ? totally separate from my "main" home page ?

if so

how do I physically do it. The thread I copied this from is people speaking in some kind of secret code. I am baffled as to how to actually do this - I assume in "organise" view - but do I type it somewhere in the breadcrumb itself or something ?

If its a solution for my old phanfare subsites which have basically been sitting idle since Easter now and affecting my traffic on my websites they were linked from - then I would love to utilise it. I just dont know how.

thanks in advance.


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,417 moderator
    edited October 2, 2017

    @KarinaExPhanfare said:
    how do I physically do it. The thread I copied this from is people speaking in some kind of secret code. I am baffled as to how to actually do this - I assume in "organise" view - but do I type it somewhere in the breadcrumb itself or something ?

    CSS can be placed in a code block on your site or in the CSS section of your theme. I place CSS for my site in the theme.

    Content and Design
    Entire site
    Hover over your active theme and click the wrench icon
    Click the Advanced tab
    Scroll to the bottom
    Click Edit for Custom CSS
    Enter your CSS here

  • KarinaExPhanfareKarinaExPhanfare Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins

    Is "CSS" just another name for "HTML" or something ?

    Just realised I also wrote "organise" instead of "customise" further up - still getting my head round all of Smugmugs terminology !!

    So I am pasting the stuff in Left Quarks example above into the customise page ? But I definitely dont want it on "entire site" as I am trying to replicate Phanfares Subsites - so its specifically just for a group of "albums" - now folders or galleries - that I had totally separated from my main site.

    I think I will create a quick fake folder and gallery and have a play following what you have written.

    Thanks in advance. may have more questions in a minute!!

  • KarinaExPhanfareKarinaExPhanfare Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins

    Yeay - that worked !!! Finally a subsite solution !!!

    Many thanks Denise !

  • KarinaExPhanfareKarinaExPhanfare Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins

    A question re using the customise view as I am obviously getting something wrong in there when customising themes.

    I haven't been able to work out (and as a result I am having to constantly re do pretty much everything over and over - which is killing me) - if I am in a specific folder in the customise view - and I want all the galleries and sub galleries in that specific folder to have the same theme - do I select "all galleries" and then select my theme and save - or do I have to sit and click on every single gallery and sub gallery and select "make gallery custom" and select its theme and save ? I only have "many hundreds" to do and its seriously time consuming.

    Does "all galleries" literally mean its going to change every single gallery across my entire site and not just the folder I am working in ?

    It feels like a lot of options are missing in the customise menu - ie "this folder", "This folder and its galleries".

  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,417 moderator

    @KarinaExPhanfare said:
    Is "CSS" just another name for "HTML" or something ?

    No, CSS and HTML are two different but related things.


    What is CSS?

    • CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
    • CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media
    • CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once
    • External stylesheets are stored in CSS files
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,417 moderator
    edited October 3, 2017

    @KarinaExPhanfare said:
    I haven't been able to work out (and as a result I am having to constantly re do pretty much everything over and over - which is killing me) - if I am in a specific folder in the customise view - and I want all the galleries and sub galleries in that specific folder to have the same theme - do I select "all galleries" and then select my theme and save - or do I have to sit and click on every single gallery and sub gallery and select "make gallery custom" and select its theme and save ? I only have "many hundreds" to do and its seriously time consuming.

    Does "all galleries" literally mean its going to change every single gallery across my entire site and not just the folder I am working in ?

    It feels like a lot of options are missing in the customise menu - ie "this folder", "This folder and its galleries".

    I believe "all galleries" applies to all galleries on the site.

    I just found a request about applying changes to folders and having the change flow down to galleries in the smugmug feedback forum - That request is marked as "planned", but apparently some of the change is currently available.

    See thread CSS Flowdown to Sub-Folders from late 2014 that shows an example of CSS that can be used to effect all pages within a certain folder. It's probably worth trying this method.

  • KarinaExPhanfareKarinaExPhanfare Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins

    Thanks folks - will have a look at each of those links. Its definitely a pain having to go into each gallery/sub gallery to change the theme. Especially when doing it as part of the phanfare migration - so dealing with hundreds and hundreds at a time.

  • KarinaExPhanfareKarinaExPhanfare Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited October 15, 2017

    Hi all

    I am trying to get my head around the info in the link Denise referred to above from 2014;

    It says

    Today we pushed live the ability to use CSS to effect all pages within a specific folder. You can use this ability to let sub-pages take some CSS action based on their parent folder(s).

    In the tag that we have now added a "sm-page-page-parentnode-{FOLDER_ID}"

    For example:

    You'll notice in the code sample above that the current page ID is listed in RED. Its higher level folders are the parent folder ID's listed in GREEN. You can get the parent folder ID's by going to the higher level folder and looking at it's ID (the red part).

    You can use these parent folder ID's to let all sub-pages (folders, galleries, or pages) take the same CSS. For example, you can use a simple set of CSS code to change your logo to something else for all items within a specific folder. You can see an example of it here on my site: browsing anything inside the "CSS Flowdown" folder will use a white logo instead of my orange one.

    The only code used to do this was placed in my Theme's Advanced CSS section:
    /* Customize the site for a specific folder /
    For anything in the "CSS Flow" folder, use a different logo */
    .sm-page-node-24RhG .sm-page-widget-logo-img , .sm-page-parentnode-24RhG .sm-page-widget-logo-img {
    background-image: url( !important;
    width: 170px !important;
    height: 55px !important;

    What I am not sure of is - if I am pasting the code stuff into the advance section - how much of it is code and how much is just advice and a title.

    ie is it all of this
    /* Customize the site for a specific folder /
    For anything in the "CSS Flow" folder, use a different logo */
    .sm-page-node-24RhG .sm-page-widget-logo-img , .sm-page-parentnode-24RhG .sm-page-widget-logo-img {
    background-image: url( !important;
    width: 170px !important;
    height: 55px !important;

    or do I delete this bit as it is just a title ?
    /* Customize the site for a specific folder /
    For anything in the "CSS Flow" folder, use a different logo */

    Or I dont paste any of that because its actually personalised code for Aaron's own site ?

    Am so muddled ! I thought I was on a roll as I was able to use the code in my first post to successfully remove the home icon in breadcrumb. But this other stuff is so beyond me. Smugmug is a darn sight more complex to use than Phanfare. Had I been aware beforehand that coding knowledge was needed I probably would have sought out a transfer to a company that didnt require that kind of tech knowledge.

    Also - I notice it says it would let all sub-pages (folders, galleries, or pages) take the same CSS
    Say my Folder in question contained my annual sub folders - each containing galleries and more subfolders for that specific year, but also each year contains a Page I have created for my blog and that blog page has its own blog like theme.
    Would there be something that could be added into the above code to make it only add the matching theme to "all folders, subfolders and galleries in the specified 'main' folder BUT exclude pages".

  • KarinaExPhanfareKarinaExPhanfare Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins

    Would dearly love some help with the above from anyone who can. 7 months after the migration I am still not in a position to to share any of my photos with my friends and family.

  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,417 moderator
    edited October 28, 2017

    @KarinaExPhanfare said:
    Would dearly love some help with the above from anyone who can. 7 months after the migration I am still not in a position to to share any of my photos with my friends and family.

    Anything between /* and */ is a comment.
    I recommend leaving the comments in place - it may help you to understand the code when you look back at it later.

    In the code you referenced from the CSS Flowdown to Sub-Folders page:

    /* Customize the site for a specific folder */
    /* For anything in the "CSS Flow" folder, use a different logo */
    .sm-page-node-24RhG .sm-page-widget-logo-img , .sm-page-parentnode-24RhG .sm-page-widget-logo-img {
      background-image: url( !important;
      width: 170px !important;
      height: 55px !important;

    the page node and parentnode references are from Aaron's site. You will need to find the appropriate values for these on your site. You can find these by using web developer tools in a browser. I usually use the developer tools in Firefox.

  • KarinaExPhanfareKarinaExPhanfare Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins

    Sorry Denise - I know you try to help us but I am still utterly baffled as to what any of that means.

    "nodes" ?
    "Developer tools in browser" ?

    I am sitting here with none of my family and friends able to view my photos since Easter because everything on Phanfare just worked at the click of a button and there was no warning whatsoever that smugmug was going to involve a degree in some kind of coding.
    It all quite literally leaves me in tears. My family around the world use to read my blog weekly to know what I was up to - they have all been in the dark since easter - like I disappeared off the planet.

    with one stupid click I somehow managed to apply the wrong theme to every single album and sub album and have no idea how to get rid of it and just put it on the specific one I meant to. Thats due to the post further up with the screen shot where the "all galleries" doesnt specify that it means all galleries across a persons entire site rather than all galleries in the folder you are currently working in.

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