In July I spent 11 days travelling around Southern Angola, visiting and staying with the local tribes. It is a warm, welcoming, fascinating country, that stole my heart.
I describe my photography as that of an enthusiastic amateur, any comments, thoughts, suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.
Photo 1 - Luanda graffiti
One of the things I hadn't been expecting was the high quality of street art graffiti present in all of Angola. It is a very visually viberant and creative culture.
Photo 2 - Mutua girl
Each tribe has distinctly different styles of dress and adornments
Photo 3 - Himba lady
A month long trade festival was taking place in Oncocua, which meant that much socialising and merriment was taking place. As this photo was being taken the ladies were signing "I was drunk last night but now the sun has come up I am not drunk anymore"
Photo 4 - I see you
I love the intensity and power of this lady's stare
Photo 5 - Mucawana lady
Photo 6 - Muila child
The Muila have dreadlock esque hair, that is called nontombi, along with intricate mud necklaces. The number of nontombi and the style of necklace all have specific meanings.
Photo 7 - Mucubal lady
I always find it interesting to see people from different parts of the world, very nicely captured.
My favorite of the set is photo 2, and I share your interest in the street art.
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Very nice photos of very different culture. My favs are 7 and 5
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Wow. It must have been amazing to spend your time with people so close to the roots. You took some really nice pictures there, my favourite being #5 for the happy expression on the woman's face. The baby's mohawk is also quite interesting
But I do like the others as well - especially for the facial expressions and the colors.
Have you been close or rather far to the people when you took the pictures, i.e. what focal lengths did you use there?
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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Thank you for the kind words.
Kurzvorz - for all of these pictures I was using a 70mm-300mm lens. For #5 the focal length was 100mm and for #7 the focal length was 190mm - I do want to feel like I am invading someone's personal space when I take their photo so prefer to photograph at a bit of a distance.