The Little Mermaid
I live less than 1 km from The Little Mermaid and I haven't one single photo of her. Wonder why? But don't be disappointed. She is here: The Little Mermaid.
Now a café-owner has placed a new mermaid sculpture in the neighbourhood - outside his café of course. His reason is to remedy people's disappointment by the size of The Little Mermaid - she is relatively little . The new mermaid - designed by the café-owner himself - is big - 14 tons of granite, that has no ability to remedy any disappointment. Man merkt die Absicht und wird verstimmt. Judge for yourself:
The third mermaid sculpture in the neighbourhood is The Genetically Modified Mermaid, that is a part of The Genetically Modified Paradise by Bjørn Nørgaard.
Hans Christian Andersen hasn't written The Little Mermaid in vain
My what big fins she has in that first one.
I have to say that the third one is more interesting to me - and I like the background and the rocks.
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