My assistant turns 3 and model is 1

in People
Shoot was pending since August!
He realized there is no cake for the shoot, and all the fuss about early morning was for the natural light from window
Natural Sunlight from window and one off camera flash inside vase in back which for light patterns on wall.
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal
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These are awesome Awais! My favorite of the set is the second shot.
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That last one is just funny. Couldn't ask for better help
Awais, you are so gifted! The first and third shots are my favorites but the last one is really a classic - typical big brother/little sister behavior!
Ditto to all the comments - loved all the shots and with a great ending to the story. Great job.
Book 2:
Thanks guys, it is indeed very tough job to be little sister
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The last one is hilarious but my fave is #3 - the expressions on their faces is precious.
Thanks Eia, glad you liked these
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Fantastic series, and what a great location to be able to shoot in as well. Really good job, I like them a lot!!
I'm here to learn so please feel free to give me constructive criticism to help me become the photographer I desire to be.