Shot Blind

On my recent trip to the Mekong Delta, I would get on deck before sunrise... total darkness
Hoping to get a sunrise (didn't happen - too cloudy) and shoot the night fisherman (who use nets)
I blundered into shooting blind
Aiming at an indistinguishably black blob, I would half press the shutter and wait until the AF locked onto the subject then press
The camera found what I couldn't see and the auto ISO displayed a brightened frame on the lcd... too cool...
I don't think I would have thought of your technique, very cool!
And I like this image.
Musings & ramblings at
You captured the mood well, Rags
Nice--your camera has a good eye
Thanks folks... a valuable bumble...
Very cool.
That must have been some trip! Wish I had had a chance to do it, but when I was going to Vietnam, I was robbed on my way to Airport as someone broke into car and took everything and couldn't go as passport was stolen too. It was a while back but it cursed my luck since as I have not been able to do any trip outside the Country since.
You got decent exposure for complete darkness. Look forward to more from the trip or paste a link please.
Hey 'bum here you go...
Your last trip plan was a bummer... sorry to hear you couldn't make it
But if you do go.... be prepared for some emotional engagement
Talking with some of the Cambodian descendants of war's collateral damage; it stimulated some strong feelings I had when the war was being fought
But it was worth it
Thanks for sharing these Rags! I saw all 587!! What a magical trip! Now I am more enthuses than ever to try!
Sweet captures!
Thanks 'Bum
I suggest you look into northern India
Old Delhi, Varanasi, Agra... It was the best trip of my life
I have some shots on my site...