SSL on Custom Domain

Tom FosterTom Foster Registered Users Posts: 289 Major grins
edited November 7, 2017 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support

I think I've half got SSL on my custom domain working... wondering if anyone can help me with where I'm going wrong?

If I type (My smugmug is on a subdomain) it works but any of these combinations doesn't:

I'm not sure where I'm going wrong to be honest. My current setup is Google Domains as the registrar for, using name servers from Cloudflare.
Cloudflare has CNAME and www linking to

As the first link I put above works I tried a few rules on Cloudflare to redirect to that one: (the *s and the $1s represent wildcards)

As far as I can tell that should work, but it doesn't. This leaves me to wonder whether it is a Smugmug rather than a Cloudflare issue (hence why I'm asking here!), anyone got any ideas? I know Smugmug uses Cloudflare too which is maybe why there's some difficulty...
Would be really grateful for any help, hope the above makes sense and isn't too confusing!

Oh and bizarrely, the link seems to sometimes link to and other times leads to a 403 Forbidden error page!



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