Lone tree of Llanberis

in Landscapes
the famous tree in Llyn Padarn , Snowdonia north wales
long exposure with b&w conversion in Nik silver fx
moderator - Holy Macro
Goldenorfe’s Flickr Gallery
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Phils Photographic Adventures Blog
moderator - Holy Macro
Goldenorfe’s Flickr Gallery
Goldenorfe photography on Smugmug
Phils Photographic Adventures Blog
Nice composition and good conversion. Well done.
I agree, but - to my eye, it'd be even better without the tree frame right - it breaks the (clean) silhouette / skyline
Maybe , but with the mountain behind the tree a little bit dull, the tree keeps your eye away from that and focus on the tree and towards the mountains in the background to the right.
that my thinking
moderator - Holy Macro
Goldenorfe’s Flickr Gallery
Goldenorfe photography on Smugmug
Phils Photographic Adventures Blog
Terrific image, but I agree with Paul. To my eye, the sliver of branches and corresponding reflection entering the picture on the right edge are a needless distraction to an otherwise delightfully clean image.
Link to my Smugmug site
Difficult to tell on this size of pic, but there doesn't seem (to me, anyway) to be a great deal of 'dullness' difference between the distant mountains / skyline on the RHS and LHS frame edges. If your intention is to stop / pause the viewer's eye when transitioning from either L > R or vice versa, then yes, this has certainly been achieved.
However, when viewing pics (especially those with subjective 'eye pulls') - that are hoping to be considered as more than just 'record' shots - if one wears a - drawing with light definition hat - I ask myself ... would the artist have drawn /added that specific element onto the paper / canvas?
A positive answer is a rare beast imo - certainly is with my own efforts, anyway.
Interesting description of your thought processes, PP. I like them, and I find I do agree. Would I have added the tree if it were not there? And I would say I would not have added it. I will use that question to myself again in images of mine, I think.
Lovely image, but a bit better with a minor crop to the right edge.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
This is exactly the right question. In this case, I would answer no and crop the right edge, though I must say it didn't bother me when I first saw the image. But now I can't help looking at it. Funny how that works.
Now you have mentioned it, i now find myself looking at those small brances also !
agree with you to crop them out
thanks for comments everyone .
moderator - Holy Macro
Goldenorfe’s Flickr Gallery
Goldenorfe photography on Smugmug
Phils Photographic Adventures Blog
This is turning out to be a bit like waiting for buses ...
Email from phase one pointed me to this
... I prefer yours .