Today's Popular Photos

Not sure where this question belongs so hope this get some responses. I do not understand the Today's Popular Photos system. Some great photos are there and gone within minutes. Others are there for days. How are the photos chosen to begin with? Who monitors the selections?
Thanks for your responses and your patience with the "new" kid.
I assume you are talking about the page
Someone from SmugMug would need to answer this question. I suspect there is an algorithm of some type that determines the photos - but from what I can see these are not new photos. Given that this page is not linked from the smug home page (at least visibly) I would guess it's not as active as it once was.
If you are asking about something else, please include a URL.
Musings & ramblings at
If you are referring to the pictures found at the side bar of the home page of Dgrin found here; Then those are on some sort of algorithm that randomly picks images that have been past challenge winners from this board. If you are referring to something else on smugmug, your question will be better answered on the smugmug board. I would move this if that is of help, but you need to check in to this question first to answer what Denise asked you.
I am referring to the photos that pop on and off at the bottom of the page. Now that I have been watching for awhile I think I understand how the system works. Also, I have also realized the Most Popular Photos at the top of the page never change so, obviously, no one is monitoring them.
Thanks for attempting to answer my question. I will not be posting my questions/opinions again.