Mini Challenge #257 - Black & White - Results

Thanks for all who participated. Some really great shots!
Unfortunately I only have time to comment on my top 3.
Cavalier: Hot Rod
The use of black and white really makes the subject pop!
sarasphotos: Sisterly support
The use of black and white really brings the emotion of the scene out!
JAG:Love me.
I Don't really have the words. All I can think is Perfect.
@Jeromy, thank you for a great mini! And congratulations to Joyce, Sara and Jo! Wonderful entries!
My SmugMug Galleries
Thank you Jeromy. Congrats to the runner ups, Sara and Jo! Everyone put up some awesome images, I bet it was difficult to choose, with so many wonderful images.
I will get the next challenge up soon.
Congrats to Joyce and Sara/Jo for 2nd/3rd place.
My SmugMug
Congratulations, Joyce for the win and also to Jo for 3rd place. Jeromy, thanks so much for the 2nd place! There were so many worthy entries I am truly honored.