Mini Challenge #258 RESULTS

JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator

A big thank you for those who participated in this challenge. I know this time of year can be hectic as it was for myself, I never did get my examples up. But you all did fabulous at expressing the seasons celebrations.

@jwear - your lone image was perfect for starting out the challenge. An interesting find when out and about to shoot at wildlife!

@pegelli - all three of your images scream the theme. Out of them I liked the standard firework shot as being the most celebrated!

@grandmaR - I like your historic house decorations best to show the season.

@slpollett - your kitty is like all kitties, they love the holidays don't they?!

Honorable Mentions
@puzzledpaul - you have 3 very unique images here. I keep coming back to the grebe with the snow falling. That is one thing we are missing here in Alaska, snow.

@DavidRGillespie - I like your heavily decorated tree. Kudos on getting the little star lights in the shot!

3rd place goes to;
@sarasphotos - The market at the town hall is a perfect example of seasons celebration. I can almost feel the brisk air!

2nd place there was a tie...

@lkbart - all 3 of your images were spot on and all 3 deserved to place. However, I figured the only way to do this was to tie one of your images with second place, but if there is a conflict with the winner posting a new challenge, then kurzvorzwoelf will get the honor of running the next challenge. Your ballet image would have tied for first, but I just thought it would be better to place it here at second. Kudos for having 3 awesome images this round!

@kurzvorzwoelf - of the 3 you posted, I really liked this first one because of the tree in the background brings it all into a more interesting picture.

And first place goes to @lkbart - Your kitty watching the lights of the little town, perhaps hoping to get a glimpse of little fairies looming about the little houses. Beautifully shot!

So congrats to all! Have a happy New Year! I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the next round Lillian.


  • sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins

    Congratulations to Lillian and kurzvorzwoelf for the beautiful shots and thanks, Joyce for the third place.

  • puzzledpaulpuzzledpaul Registered Users Posts: 1,621 Major grins
    edited December 28, 2017

    Thumbs up to all who bothered to have a go and thanks for the HM ... it's a Cormorant, btw - but could just as easily have been a GCG if one had showed itself on the day ...

    Re my other 2 shots - or more accurately, scans ... Whilst it's difficult to imagine there's not someone else on this plane who's making cards similar to those in my first shot - I've not come across any others .... yet.:)


    FWIW, there are several GCG shots on my flickr page - including the first one. I've no idea what similar species / groups look like in your neck o the woods, but a big give away is the hooked bill end on the cormorant ... presumably as it tears / rips flesh of prey* ... as opposed to spearing and swallowing whole in the grebe's case.

    • no expert on this, btw.
  • lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins

    Oh wow! What wonderful praise - thank you so much Joyce! We did have to make the streets of the little town wide enough for big kitty traffic!

    Congrats to @kurzvorzwoelf and Sara @sarasphotos too! Hope everyone is having a great holiday! I'll have a new mini posted as soon as I figure out how to do it!

    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
  • pegellipegelli Registered Users Posts: 8,980 Major grins

    Congratulations Lillian, kurzvorzwoelf and Sara for the "wins"

    And thanks to Joyce for a nice mini and the extensive commenting. Much appreciated <3

    Looking forward to the next one!

    Pieter, aka pegelli
    My SmugMug
  • bfluegiebfluegie Registered Users Posts: 871 Major grins

    Congratulations to @lkbart, @kurzvorzwoelf, and @sarasphotos. And to everyone who found the time to compete at this busy time of year. I really enjoyed all the different takes on the theme.

  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins

    Great job everyone - Looking forward to the next

    “" adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    Congratulations Lillian, kurzvorzwoelf and Sara! And thank you, Joyce, for a fun challenge! I enjoyed seeing the variety of entries!

  • kurzvorzwoelfkurzvorzwoelf Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins

    Better late than never - I was abroad for holidays :)

    Congratulations @lkbart and @sarasphotos for first and third places and also thanks @JAG for the honour of nominating my entry second. Thanks everyone participating for such a fun challenge!

    Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.

    I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!

    My SmugMug site -

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