How to determine with customizations are being used? What is Complete Customization?
After using SM for a few years just to help organize pictures *I have no commercial interest) it seems a Power subscription is overkill. SM is wonderful because it displays a checklist of features being used in the subscription selection screen.
The one Power feature being shown as used that's not available with a Basic Subscription is "Complete Customization". I've done some searches, but have yet to find a good description of what Complete Customization actually is, and what feature I'm actually using.
Would not having it mean the Customize menu would change or not be available?
I would guess that the Customize menu would change. You will still be able to customize your gallery settings and change the gallery style but I believe most of the features in Content and Design would not be available.
According to the Features page at, there are a few customizations available with a basic account. I believe those are quite limited.
These features are not available at the basic level:
Can you give us your site URL? A look at your site should help us determine what (if any) customization features you are using.
Musings & ramblings at
I just looked again and found the help page Basic Account customization options. It explains the features available to basic accounts.
Musings & ramblings at