a 100% Vertical image under the top menu with the same effect of the background functionality
currently, on the home page, I have a 100% Cover Background SLideshow.
I would like to have the same thing but under the block menu :
A side show block under the menu which takes up all the remaining height of the page and the entire width to have the same effect of the background slideshow :
The background-size cover all the page but under the menu block.
Is it possible ?
Hey Etienne. I recommend that you post the link to your website to get any answers to your query.
here is the links :
actually, the home page is :
the photos cover 100% of the height and width and that's what I want but I want the photos to appear below the menu block : here I use a background functionality
here a test :
The photo appears under the menu( it's what I want) but the display functionality 100% width and height is lost .
I hope it's understandable
I'm not aware of a way to have a full-width background image (or slideshow) start below your menu block.
The menu block might be less obtrusive with the background slideshow if you switched from site name above menu to side-by-side site name and menu. You also might consider changing the background color on the menu items. If you switch to side-to-side name and menu I suspect you will also need to consider a smaller number of top-level menu items.
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