Google indexing a weird page in my website

Hi all
first off, let me say SEO settings for my website are very poor and I have to work on them.
That said, the odd thing is Google is indexing this page as the first result for my website for a search for keyword "fotografo matrimonio venezia" Matrimonio Venezia/i-TgxjZ4H
I mean, the odd thing from my point of view is I don't have such a page in my website; at least as long as I know.
So where does that page come from and how can I avoid Google to list this "shadow" pages??
Thanks to all
"fotografo matrimonio venezia" one of your photo-tags/keywords/
fotografo matrimonio venezia
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Hi Allen
thanks for your help!
I know I have images tagged as such keyword but I don't understand why Google is showing as a result a page that doesn't exist in my website.
Then my question is how can I avoid Google to display these kind of pages?
Venice PhotoBlog
Hi there,
Keyword galleries are part of all SmugMug sites for public galleries and folders that have search enabled. You can browse keywords assigned to photos via the keyword link Allen included.
Photo keywords are very helpful for your site's search engine ranking and help search engines like Google to better index the content on your site.
SmugMug Support Hero
Hi Sebastian
thanks for popping in to help me!
Yes, photo keywords are surely helpful for rankings but not at all when they generate viewable pages (and out of user control;) the page a visitor can see clicking on that link is just awkward and meaningless and doesn't really help me, not least because I'd rather like to be aware of pages/galleries people can or cannot see.
I have put the best efforts in making my website the most pleasant visual experience possible for visitors, so then I can't be happy if Smugmug makes possible to see content of mine in a way that I don't like and I don't think it's useful.
So, again my question is: is there a way for me to avoid these kind of pages appearing in saerch results?
Venice PhotoBlog
As far as I know there isn't a way to define keywords for photos in public galleries and remove the keyword pages from search.
I suppose you could remove the keywords although that will likely have a negative effect on search.
Musings & ramblings at
Schermata_2018-01-22_alle_15.55.42.png> @denisegoldberg said:
for images that are not for sale!!!!
This is the page, it's horrible and it even have a Buy button...
Do we have control on our sites here a SM?
This is really weird!!!
I can't keyword my images if I don't want keyword pages to appear
I must accept keyword pages to appear if I want my images to have keywords
Very very very weird!!!!!!!!!
Venice PhotoBlog
Add this to your "entire site" or "all galleries" CSS and it will hide the buy button from all your keyword galleries.
/* XtZpk is specific to all keyword galleries */
.sm-page-node-XtZpk .sm-gallery-cover-buy-button,
.sm-page-node-XtZpk .sm-lightbox-buy-button {
BTW. you might want to do this also on other Smug service type pages. All these show a buy button.
There is no "search gallery", it actually takes you to the gallery of the photo
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Thanks @Allen, I will likely add the codes to, at least, hide the Buy button.
Though my main concern now is about those damn keyword pages out of control....
But even this is unacceptable: why the Buy button is appearing in pages I can't manage and without my prior consent?
Is this a limitation of having a Power account?
Venice PhotoBlog
I think, even though the buy button shows, you can not actually buy photos that their originating gallery has buy turned off.
Clicking buy button for keywords "color" and "weddings" I get "No photos for sale" so above is true.
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Maybe. But just think of a client (I do weddings) who finds out a Buy button for images that should be intended only as showcase of photographer.....
Not professional, really not professional at all.
These are the kind of things that make me really nervous.
And what makes me more angry is to know I don't have control over this
Venice PhotoBlog
Tested a couple of keywords.
Clicking buy button for keywords "color" and "weddings" I get "No photos for sale" so above is true.
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Trust me, some clients can get very angry at this, even if they see there are no chances to make an actual purchase.
These are those sort of oddities that can make a client to become suspicious and loose confidence in the photographer; worse, not only actual customers but also prospects too can be negatively impressed by this sort of things.
I mean, I had a page indexed in Google where potential customers have seen images of other spouses for sale......
Venice PhotoBlog
If you're concerned about the buy button showing on keyword galleries, you may use Allen's code to hide the buy button. As mentioned in my previous message, keyword galleries are part of all public SmugMug galleries with search enabled. They allow visitors to browse photos with the same keywords side by side and are also greatly beneficial for search engines to index your content better. If you don't want to have them at all, as Denise mentioned, your options would be to remove photo keywords or to disable search on galleries in question by disabling the two searchable settings in the gallery settings > security&sharing section.
Note that such changes won't take immediate effect for external search engines as the search engines would first have to reindex the galleries in question, which may take some time.
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