Headings (etc) and image usage counts

I discovered something today that was a surprise. It probably should not be a surprise, but it was.
I have images that are used on pages as headings, logos, etc. Those are counting as image displays.
They are images, and they are displayed, but that is really distorting the reality of what the statistics should show.
Is there any easy solution? I have the gallery from which they are drawn coded as unlisted, but it seems proper to show image counts from unlisted as well as public, so that does not seem a solution.
Just something to consider. Maybe a option on a gallery to "exclude from image statistics" entirely, a whole gallery, that would implicitly exclude ones people use for logos (etc)?
Not a big deal, but a surprise, and one I thought people might like to know about if they were not aware.
Yep - we’ve discussed in other threads here on DGrin how the image stats count any time the image has loaded — which could be from a number of different places. It could be from a gallery style that loads lots of images (like Collage style galleries which have an inflated image count — all the images in a gallery are loaded even if a visitor didn’t view the specific photo), it could be from the fact that we pre-fetch images so the visitor sees photos immediately when viewing next/previous photos in the Lightbox, etc.
The technology around image/gallery stats is pretty old at this point and we have a number of ideas on how to make it more accurate (which means the # of views may drop way down, potentially scaring a lot of you!) but we just haven’t had time to prioritize it.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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