*Challenge 21, Newburyport High School

I gotta say, I'm not really diggin' this new format either. I think I have been doing more searching for entries than ever before, and this format, with all of it's individual threads for each photo has bumped a lot of threads over to page 2, and eventually a lot will go to page 3 by the end of next week. I know I won't click those pages that often, if ever, and I bet a lot of others won't either.
With these new changes, it's getting harder and harder for me to get excited about these challenges. I'm just not motivated to shoot specifically for them anymore. Something that was there before, in the original format is missing now. Maybe I'm alone in my thinking here, but that is how I feel.
Anyway, here it goes, a lousy shot of the Newburyport High School. I just happened to be driving by...
With these new changes, it's getting harder and harder for me to get excited about these challenges. I'm just not motivated to shoot specifically for them anymore. Something that was there before, in the original format is missing now. Maybe I'm alone in my thinking here, but that is how I feel.
Anyway, here it goes, a lousy shot of the Newburyport High School. I just happened to be driving by...

I think I may be with you somewhat with regard to this format, and the last...
While I really liked the idea of the Challenge Gallery It became cumbersome when needing to check each photo and the thread that followed. It meant that you could not relate to several different images at a time, and unless someone thought to place their photos together, in sequence, you lost their changes.
Though I think a gallery would work if the images showed as thumbnails with the comments running alongside, so that you could see if a new comment had been added to a particular thread or a change to the photo had been made... If so, then you could click on the thumbnail and follow the thread.
This method is becoming too cumbersome, as well... But again, I think it could work were we to star a new Comment & Critique thread for each challenge. As it is now, I find myself going over the threads over and over, as old challenges are still mixed in the newer, current, and the not yet to have happened challenges! Why not a new thread line for each challenge, period?
I don't know what the final solution will be... But I will say that I don't think we have hit on it yet.
Regarding your High School photo...
It's not as poor as you stated... but I do think it is tilted to the right, along the horizon line. Night Shots, while some of my favorite work, take a bit more effort to find interest. You'll find the right one... Just keep looking. I have yet to find one suitable for this challenge... But I've not given up yet!
Bonne Chance,
I must say, you are right about this method being hard to handle. I just discovered your post here. It was way down at the bottom of the page. I have looked in in dgrin several times and made several comments and did not see this. I only have a few minutes each time I log in, so the top threads are all I saw. What if we had a bunch of people posting. They would surely go to the next page. If one gets missed it keeps getting pushed farther and farther down the list.
Anyway, about your shot. It's a nice shot of the building. Nice lighting. It is a bit tilted, which can be fixed of course. But, it is lacking that "hook". The spot of interest or specialness. It's not a famous bridge or castle or prison, so what can we say about it. I'm not really sure what we need in these shots. Andy's ordinary buildings usually have a person in them. The ones with no people have something special about them. I have not taken any pictures yet because I don't have anything special to shoot. I will try to take some ordinary ones just for practice, but I'm stumped as far as imagination to come up with something special. And, the nights are in deep fog here, no good stuff there. I do find it hard to get out after dark. Can't go out alone.
I like your school building. It's architecturally interesting. Not like our schools around here. I like the way the path is visible all the way to the edge of the picture. It leads me all the way in to the building.
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